Businesses must reach out to potential customers and increase company sales; prospecting scripts make it possible.
A prospecting or cold calling script is a planned, written material created to sell products or services. However, the possibility of a client buying your product or service escalates when you have a planned prospecting script. So, here are a few tips that will help you with cold calling and piquing the interest of your clients.
Introduce Yourself And Give a Warm Greeting
When approaching prospects, treat them as if they are busy. It would help if you gave an introduction about yourself and your company in less than 15 seconds. This excludes the greeting, as you would start with a warm greeting like ‘good afternoon’ or ‘hope you are doing well.’
The average person speaks 130 words per minute, which gives you about 25-35 words to greet your prospect, introduce yourself, and make your sales pitch.
Establish a Clear Purpose For Your Call
Use your research and provide information with the best opener to quickly form a bond with the client. No one likes long calls, so make sure you cover the purpose of your call in the first minute of your sales pitch. Then, ask if you can take a follow-up call and note the date & time that they prefer. You can also ask those potential customers if they are interested in connecting on social media or the website. This way, they can know more about your company’s product range, mission, values, etc.
Give Reasons To Get Them Curious
Present the facts that make your company stand out from the others. Address a problem or multiple factors that create an unresolved issue and give solutions to clear them. Include aspects like the issues your company aims to solve or is already working on in your sales script. This will make them curious and increase their chances of making a sale immediately.
Target Pain Points To Connect With Them
Ask them about the issues that they are facing related to your product and tell them how it will benefit them. For example, if you sell teeth whitening strips, ask questions like ‘do you always wonder how actors have such white teeth?’ or ‘we provide teeth whitening solutions. Do you want to try our startup kit for free?’ This will pique their interest, and discussing those pain points will help you connect with them.
Only some cold-calling methods or sales scripts work the first time, so constant attempts to prove their worth are essential. Also, consider these points and apply them to callers for refined results.